Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hi everyone!

I have bad news. I contracted RSV from my 3 year old grandson while comforting him while he was in the hospital with RSV. This can be a deadly disease for infants and toddlers. For some reason, Isaac is getting better, but got worse in some of the phases this virus goes through. My daughter and granddaughter caught it in the form of a very bad head cold. Me, Grandma, had the joy of catching it in as bad a form as Isaac did. I got sick, suddenly in a matter of a few hours. I went to bed over a week ago, feeling well, and woke up at 5 AM terribly ill. By the 2nd day, I was getting serious breathing problems, almost could not breathe. It was scary! I had to call an ambulance and go to Sacred Heart Medical Center, where they gave me supportive care in order to breathe! Since then I have to do in home nebulizer treatments every six hours round the clock. Those treatments have helped a lot. But, like what happened to Isaac, I started feeling a little better a few days, and then on the 7th day I had a very high fever all night and day. I was so weakened by it that I couldn't get out of bed. My daughter had to bring a lunch over to me in order to eat and drink something. I was so weak I could not walk any further than a few steps to my nearby bathroom (and almost fell, bouncing off the walls when I walked into the bathroom from the intense weakness), but could not walk any further. I could not fix anything to eat for myself or basically get up and do anything, but lay in my bed and stare at TV and sleep, sleep. I have now been sick for 9 days, and the bad fever is gone, but my lungs are not out of the woods. I am continuing my neb treatments and other meds. I still feel sick in my chest.

I think it is interesting about all the hype of the swine flu, but I have read and been told that RSV is more dangerous. It comes on you very quickly, and for those who think it can't seriously affect adults, just children, think again. I have spoken to several adults who have had RSV, and were put in ICU and sick for 3-4 weeks. Just ask me, I had every symptom, degree of severity, and length of time as my grandson had. This virus almost killed me, and it is by the grace of God and prayers that my grandson is doing so well and coming home on Monday. In the meanwhile, Gammy is still very ill and not well enough to even leave the house. I have a great friend from my church, who is like a son to me, and he has come over a few times and brought supplies and groceries to me, while he sat across the room from me while I wore a mask. Send prayers up for me to recover. I may have another week to go. This has been the worst illness I have ever had...and that's saying something since I have had some bad flus, bronchitis, and food poisoning twice in my lifetime! If you hear anybody say RSV, RUN!

Sick Gammy

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